Implementing FastCGI

Wed, Dec 20 2023 12:55:56 KST

I’m implementing FastCGI.
There’s a protocol called FastGCI, which I’m implementing in C, and earlier this month I named my FastCGI implementation Fasyn.

How did Fasyn get its name?

Fasyn is an implementation of FastCGI and also operates in an asynchronous manner. So I named it Fasyn by combining the words Fa from FastCGI and asyn from asynchronous.

Areas of use for Fasyn

Fasyn is a FastCGI server application library for web development.

I would like to use Fasyn for the following purposes.

  1. Server to call PayPal payment API
  2. Chinese dictionary server

There are limitations to serving a Chinese dictionary using static HTML. However, if I use WordPress to service a Chinese dictionary, there is a problem that I have to learn and manage WordPress. Additionally, as WordPress continues to be used, it is expected that the database will become messy. However, searching for words in a file-based database and outputting the results to a web server seems like it would be easier to manage than using WordPress. It is also advantageous in terms of security. I’m looking forward to using it like example 2.

It is currently under development.

I designed Fasyn incorrectly and am currently fixing it. The FastCGI specification allows multiple requests per connection, rather than one request per connection. So I’m modifying Fasyn to handle multiple requests per connection.