I temporarily closed the site due to health issues.

Fri, May 3 2024 20:34:53 KST

Hello. I have suffered from malicious behavior for over 10 years. After switching from the open source Nimf project to freeware in 2020, there was almost no malicious behavior for a while, but after I criticized the Rust language, malicious behavior became more severe. There may be many reasons for malicious behavior, but it seems to mainly stem from differences of opinion and confirmation bias regarding open source, Linux, and Rust language. The recent malicious behavior was so severe that it caused a lot of mental stress, and as a result, uveitis occurred twice in December 2023 and March 2024.

I will be receiving dental treatment for several months starting at the end of May. I expect continued malicious behavior to occur due to my past post criticizing the Rust language. If the uveitis recurred during that period, I would have to take steroids, which would make dental treatment problematic, so I temporarily closed the site. I will reopen the site once I am finished receiving treatment for one tooth, and I will close the site again when I begin receiving treatment for another tooth. Since there are several problematic teeth, the site will likely have to be closed and reopened several times. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.