Nimf 2023.06.18 Released

Sun, Jun 18 2023 04:03:52 KST

Nimf 2023.06.18 is released.


  • nimf-xim:
    • Fixed a freeze bug.
    • Fixed a bug causing an infinite loop.
  • CLoop: Fixed a bug in the idle event source.
  • CHashMap: Fixed an insert bug.
  • nimf-ic: Fixed a bug that caused reconnection to fail.
  • nimf-nim: Fixed a bug where Nimf would crash if the wrong id was sent from the client.
  • nimf-korean:
    • Currently, it contains 3,803 Hanja characters and 3,727 headwords, and is still being added.

Known bugs

  • There is a bug where input freezes or nimf-forward freezes when switching from an X window to a virtual console.
  • When running nimf-forward or nimf-cim in the console, there is a bug where input freezes.
  • After replacing GMainLoop with CLoop, there was a problem with GUI event processing, so as a temporary measure, CLoop was set to run an infinite loop at 250 ms intervals. This resulted in a slight increase in CPU usage.

The above bug seems to take a very long time to fix.

The following are not supported.

There are currently no plans to support Gentoo®, NixOS, Flatpak®, Snap, multi-monitor environments, and HiDPI environments.


You can download it from the Nimf downloads page.

Thank you.